New Look

In honor of my amazing, six-year-old son Robert, I have dyed my hair blue (used to be bright red).Image1 Blue is Robert’s favorite color.

He came into my bedroom today and asked, “Mom your head is blue?”

“Yes it is. Robert, do you like my hair red or blue?”

“BLUE!” he responds laughing.

That’s my boy.


Earlier today I made the mistake of telling Michael I can even color my hair green.

“Mom, can you color your hair green?” he asked.

Because I’m so awesome (and clearly humble) and unable to control myself, I respond, “Sure honey. I’ll do it next time.”

“Mom can you do it tomorrow?”

“No. I have to wait a while.” I have the sense to say.

At this rate by the time I’m done I won’t have any hair left.

P.S. In case you’re wondering… yes, next time, for Michael I will color my hair green.  Hey… I’m already proving I’m weird… why not a little crazy too. 😀

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